Geographic Calculator 7.5
Geographic Calculator 2017 Overview Geographic Calculator is a powerful geodetic application with particular strength in survey, seismic, and energy exploration. In addition to single point, point database, and file conversion tools, this highly accurate transformation software includes many specialized tools such as Canadian DLS (Dominion Land Survey) Land Grid tools, Seismic Survey Conversion tools, Area of Use tools for guiding users, HTDP, Geoid Creation tools, and much more. Geographic Calculator supports a wide range of file formats with support from the largest geodetic parameter database available anywhere.
Download Efek Kamera Canon 600d. When transformations have to be correct, consistent and certifiable, GIS professionals around the world choose Geographic Calculator.
Jul 13, 2010 - Gardiner, Maine - July 13th, 2010 - Blue Marble Geographics announces the release of Desktop 2.2 with Geographic Calculator 7.5 and Geographic Transformer 6.2. This release features support for raster Digital Elevation Models (DEM) like Digital Terrain Elevation Data (DTED) and USGS Spatial Data. Geographic Calculator 6.2. A coordinate conversion tool that offers support for legacy ATS grid formats. 7.5 (publisher's description) 6.3; 6.2; 6.1; 4.2; All. Dec 19, 2014 - Geographic Calculator is software solution created to provide a simple means of converting, translating and working with geospatial data. The application offers you the possibility to easily perform 'Interactive', 'Point Database', 'Seismic Survey' and 'Vector Data' conversions. The calculations can be inverse. Geographic Calculator 6.2. A coordinate conversion tool that offers support for legacy ATS grid formats. 7.5 (publisher's description) 6.3; 6.2; 6.1; 4.2; All.