Nick Carter Killmaster Ebooks

Nick Carter Killmaster Ebooks Rating: 5,9/10 4879reviews

Aug 31, 2016 - Male, 43 Norberto's Blog Download ebook Assassin: Code Name Vulture (Killmaster 86) by Nick Carter pdf txt, 8 '15 Subject: Read books, Viewed by: 1326 CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD EBOOK Improbable story, ridiculous plot twists, lifelessly written. He has wide-set steel gray eyes that are icy, cruel and. Wwf Wrestlefest Pc.

Nick Carter is an agent for AXE. There is no doubt that the Nick Carter, Killmaster, series was created simply to cash in on the extreme popularity of the James Bond phenomenon. The character of Carter was too perfect, too much a man’s man and a woman’s desire, too feared an opponent, and too capable an agent.

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What probably surprised the creators, working for the Universal Printing and Distribution Corporation, was that he didn’t show up, sell a few books, and then go away. Nick Carter became a phenomenon all his own! That makes the Nick Carter, Killmaster, storyline one of the more written action series in the history of publishing. Over 30,000,000 copies of Nick Carter books were sold. Averaged over the length of the series, that would result in each book having sold around 115,000 copies.

That is not at all shabby for a series that was just a copycat. But the Killmaster series had something else going for it that may not have been intentional but was nevertheless a factor. It had some highly qualified authors putting out these episodes quickly and frequently. At first blush the speed that the books had to be “cranked out” would make it seem that each story was rushed and therefore not likely to be good. But this speed seems to have at worst kept the books from being better.

The books seem to prove that quality writers routinely produce quality writing. Martin Cruz Smith, Michael Collins, David Hagberg, W.T. Ballard, Thomas Costain, and Ralph Hayes. These are six of the known authors that penned the Nick Carter series. They, and others, have gone on to create reputations for highly successful and highly skilled writing.

They brought to the Killmaster stories prowess at creating fiction that they would show in other works under their own name. The Killmaster books do have a fair amount of variation in style and quality.

Some are not so good. Some are in the 1st person while others are told as a 3rd person narrative. In a handful, Carter is a deep thinking agent and in many he is a shoot-first action hero. But in all the books, Agent N-3 is the quintessential American hero, a man who is not afraid to head into danger and is capable of handling any opponent.

Nick Carter has a lean face. His hair is normally dark brown in color, thick and glossy with a “mildly satanic” widow’s peak. He possesses a high, unlined forehead above a straight nose. His eyes are wide-set over high cheekbones; said to be “strange eyes hardly ever still and changing color as often as the sea”. His mouth is firm and well shaped, usually reserved but sometimes with a hint of sensuality.

In keeping with his many years of arduous activities, his body is in the peak of conditioning. His shoulders are massive. He has a narrow and tight waist and his legs are described as “tanned pillars of smooth muscles”. His muscles were no overly obvious but were, nevertheless, like steel cables. There are several items of interest in the indefatigable Nick Carter. So many, in fact, it is hard to know which one should lead off.

In keeping with his role as a super-secret agent for the American government agency AXE, Nick Carter has a small tattoo of an axe on the inside of his right elbow. That is one way to remain inconspicuous.

Another fact is Nick’s weapons that he takes with him everywhere. There is his pistol, a luger he calls Wilhelmina, held in a shoulder holster on his left side. Hugo is the name for his stiletto, sheathed in a piece of chamois above his right wrist and spring loaded to fly into his grip with a touch. And lastly, he carries a gas pellet that goes by the name Pierre, golf ball sized but exactly where the pellet is hidden is not known.

The cover for the headquarters of AXE in Washington is the Amalgamated Press and Wire Service, located on Dupont Circle. In charge is David Hawk. He is a stern man described as on the older side of life but still referred to as “lean, wiry, and leather-tough.” He has a fondness for cigars, chomping hard on them when tensions arise.

Though he is known to not like leaving his offices, he frequently has to in the performance of his job. He does not travel well.

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