Fleetwood Mobile Home Serial Number Lookup
Oct 14, 2017 - Statistical Techniques Statistical Mechanics. Fleetwood mobile home serial number lookup. METHODS OF IDENTIFICATION AND VERIFICATION. MANUFACTURER / TRADE NAME. Located on the HUD Data Plate / Compliance Certificate located inside of home. Fleetwood Mobile Home Serial Number. Client has asked NVMS to determine what type of property this is (modular, mobile home, etc). You must set up an appointment. The inspecting Representatives are required to provide the serial or VIN number and HUD tab numbers. This is critical. Such as Redman, Fleetwood, Palm Harbor, etc. Year on the Data Plate.
Brandon When you do your inspection, look at the back of the cover of the electrical service box, inside one of the kitchen cabinet doors or pasted on the back of one of the bedroom closets. There you might find the manufacturers label with the manufacturer, date of manufacture, snow load, mfg.’s serial number, etc. I usually set my digital for a close-up and shoot a picture of this. Two things I tell the owners if they are there.
Put a piece of plastic over that label to preserve it, as it is very valuable information. Don't ever take the HUD labels off of the side of the house, as then it might not be eligible for certain kinds of financing. This is setting things up for the next appraisal inspection.
Might not be you but it may help another appriaser down the road. BTW, Pamela, if the label is gone, how do you know which manufacturer to call for info? And if the label is there with the info, why call the manufacturer at all? You've got me wondering on that one. Click to expand.I've had times when I found a manufacturer name (usually some warranty paper found in a drawer or attached to something) but no label except the HUD code on the outside. I've also found the manufacturer name in the public records, sometimes on the deed or previously recorded mortgage.
These things will sometimes give some of the information wanted/needed and if everything is not there, then I use what information I do have and call the manufacturer to get the rest. Sometimes the manufacturer and serial number is on either the deed or mortgage and I'll call for the HUD code and date of manufacture because the labels were gone. I also tell all that will listen to cover the label with plastic, make sure the HUD label is always accessible, etc.
I really, really hate it when those items are missing or covered up. Download Edius Editing Software. Pam I'm surprised that you don't find them. Download Sniper Elite 3 Highly Compressed Android. It is the rare HUD Code house that I do that I can't find that manufacturers label. You do have to get aggressive and go into closets, push clothes around and sometimes just feel the wall with your hands. I'll bet in the past 20 HUD Codes that I've done, only 1 or 2 were missing and one particular that I remember was an older one that had all new cabinets put in. Surprisingly enough, when I told them that I could not verify that it was a HUD Code (new siding had been put on), the owner remembered where the old cabinets were, went there, found the label and supplied a HUD number that they were able to get a letter from the manufacturer as to certification, DOM etc.
Most of the time the label is in one of the two small bedroom closets. If it is not there then the next most popular place is inside one of the kitchen cabinet doors. Least likely but the first place I look is the inside of the electrical service covering door. If the HUD Label is on the house but no manufacturers label inside, I so state in my report. If certification is required from the manufacturer, that is the homeowner’s responsibility to get and provide, just like a legal description. Normally, I do not have anybody come back insisting on the DOM etc. I shoot a picture of each label and include it in the report.
BTW, have a restful 4th. We are supposed to have a glorious day; temp about 80 with full sunshine and low humidity. That after several days in the low to mid 90’s with heat indexes of 100 to 105. We are just not used to that. Came through Onaway the other day and the temp sign said 96! I stopped and checked my map just to make sure I had not taken a wrong turn and somehow ended up in Texas.
Anyway, enjoy the day. Richard, You get luckier than I do on the data plates. I'd say I've not been able to locate them in about 1/2 the homes I do. 99% of the HUD tags do remain. Although I did thoroughly tick one homeowner off and make them go to Walmart for a can of paint remover- too many coats over the tags to read the numbers and had removed the data plate from inside.:roll: About a year ago, I ran across a 1985 Liberty singlewide.
The only manufacturer tag that remained in the closet were the insulation/zone info with the manufacturer name and address, serial/model number typed but no HUD #. Not a HUD tag to be found (3rd owner).